In the beginning, I didn't like taking pictures in New York City. Maybe it was too familiar. It certainly was too crowded, dirty, threatening, and everything seemed to have been photographed a gazillion times. But in 2001 the day my mother died, my father had a heart attack. He recovered and went on to have a very peaceful and content old age (he lived to 93), but I had to give up my own apartment and move back in with him to take care of him.
Since he needed constant care, I was very tied down. I couldn't take trips, I couldn't just go off. I had the afternoon when his aide came to do whatever I needed to do. So I started to take some pictures near the river (I live in Peter Cooper--oh, yes!). I would see Queens not too far away, and one day hired a car to go over and explore a bit. I soon realized it wasn't the Wild West, and that the 7 Train was a good deal cheaper. So I came to love the waterfront and areas where the industrial past pokes through.